Saturday, July 11, 2020

How often do you enter #Sweepstakes

I have been very busy entering #Sweepstakes lately.  Here in Texas we are doing the "Stay Away From COVID" dance.  To top that off this week a heatwave has settled over our State and it is a killer.  My official non-scientific opinion is that we will also have a serious hurricane season this year. 

So betwixt and between all of the above, I have been staying in and doing a lot of #contesting lately.  I'm usually content to enter One Entry contests and a few Dailies that interest me but I've really been working at it lately. 

Do you keep a list of #contests that you want to enter Daily?  I follow through #Sweepsadvantage Plus and they have a great reminder system.  I also made my own labels for Easy Entry as well as Reminder Entries so that I hit Reminder Entries every day if I can and Easy Entry when I'm sitting around bored or just have an extra few minutes. 

I'm one of those people who start dreaming about how they will spend their money if they buy a Loto.  I do the same with those big, special sweepstakes.  I enjoy playing - of course, #winning feels good too!

More later .... 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Another #Win

I was just notified that I won a contest from  I believe it is a year's worth of incense but I can't find the contest form.  I'm really excited to have won this contest and see what I get.  Thanks, ChakrasIncense.  Keep on entering.

#Sweepstakes  #Giveaway 

Friday, June 12, 2020

What I Hate about Entering Sweepstakes

The thing I hate about entering sweepstakes is filling in my birthdate.  I'd guess more than half of the contests ask for my birthday.  Half of those ask you for a numerical entry such as 01/01/1950.  That is not so bad.  What is really bad is the ones who have a click down entry.  First, the month, click click click.  Then the day, click down 19.  Then the year.  Well if you are a baby boomer like me you will find that 1950 is wayyyy down there.  I really, really hate it and wonder why they make me go through it.  The one I hate so much I sometimes won't even complete the entry is the one with a calendar that you have to go to the right month, then click on the right day and then move the whole darn thing half a century into the past. 

You'd think that for a free gift I would not be so grumpy.  Sorry, I just can't get over it.  

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Another Win

I received a cute little ring from DeLezhen today.  I just love it.  I'm not sure which contest I entered, sometimes the sponsors don't send you an email telling you of your win but that's ok.  I love it anyway. 

When a Sweepstakes is Over

This is how I felt today when I wanted to enter just one more time before this sweep closed.

We're sorry, Room Rescue $10,000 Sweepstakes has ended. See Official Rules.
Click here to check out our other sweepstakes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Welcome to My Sweepstakes and Contest Blog

I have been entering sweepstakes and contests for many years.  Like most hobbies, I pick it up and put it away, sometimes for years.  It has been several years since I have been actively entering sweeps and contests but a couple of months ago -  as in what to do during a pandemic - I started sweeping again.

I have won several books, both hardcover and Kindle, from  I try to enter books that I really want and leave the others for folks who are particularly interested.  I think anytime something is offered for free we have to be mindful of others.  It is very easy to get caught up in the game and enter just because you want to win something.  Sometimes I really have to stop myself, just on Goodreads but other sites as well.

I'll be sharing my wins as well as links to sweepstakes/contest.  Please feel free to leave a note in comments about any sources or recommendations you have for others.

So for my first post on this blog, I want to share my first big win:

You won 3rd Place in the 2020 Grow Your Own Organics Giveaway

Unfortunately, I did not win the Garden Tower posted above, but it was still a nice win. Thanks, Garden Tower Project.

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